Empowering Teens with Life Coaching


Teenagers face an array of unique stressors and challenges, and at Kids Corner, we’re here to guide them towards their individual goals while fostering self-confidence, resilience, and an awareness of their inherent strengths.

How Does Kids Corner Operate?

Through weekly one-hour sessions—available virtually or in-person—our certified teen life coaches guide youngsters in assessing various aspects of their life. Together, they identify areas of satisfaction and spaces for improvement, helping craft an ideal future to nurture hope. Setting achievable, self-determined goals, they gradually move closer to realizing their desired lives. As this process unfolds, we encourage self-discovery, exploring each teen’s strengths, values, and personality to transform any weaknesses into tools for self-growth.

The Outcomes of Teen Coaching


Parents have reported noticeable improvements in their teenagers’ communication skills, motivation, and overall happiness. Teens, in turn, have expressed newfound confidence in achieving their goals and ambitions.

Teen Life Coaching or Therapy?

 The distinction between therapy and life coaching is simple: therapy addresses past trauma and mental health issues, while coaching focuses on future improvement. One of our insightful teens put it aptly: “Therapy tackles the past; coaching builds the future.” Another noted: “Coaches help me find my solutions, rooted in my reality.”

Our Coaching Packages

At Kids Corner, we offer two approaches to coaching:

1. Organic Coaching: This approach begins with an exploration of your teen’s current life satisfaction and desired changes. We pinpoint potential obstacles to their goals and delve into their personal traits—values, strengths, personality—to create a customized roadmap to success.

2. Targeted Coaching Packages: These specialized series focus on common adolescent issues:

  • Academic Success: This package tailors strategies to achieve personalized academic goals.
  • Anxiety Reduction: Designed for teens eager to learn and apply new tools to alleviate anxiety.
  • Social Connections: This package helps navigate the challenging landscape of teenage friendships and relationships.
  • Self Exploration: This package is for teens wanting to delve deeper into their identity and potential
  • Ideal College & Career: This package assists in determining the most suitable college and career options, in line with each teen’s passions and aspirations.

If this resonates with you, let’s connect! We offer a Free Assessment to determine if our life coaching approach aligns with your teen’s needs.